
i have a blog.

I never thought I would actually start a blog but here we are folks. should have known that a writer like me with all these ideas and interests (pipe it down lesley.) should really consider making other people read what I have to say.

who would have thought?

not me.

paul rudd, an actor and legend during hot ones on youtube

chapter zero: the protagonist


you might ask yourself why I chose this name and to be quite honest with you it wasn’t easy picking a name that resonated with me. I didn’t want to just put my name and then add something mundane like “thoughts” or “diary” or so (no offence if that actually is your blog name I respect it pal). no I wanted something more mysterious, something where the reader would ask themselves “why exactly this title?”

art of pretending… “to play pretend” we have all done it, we all do it and some of us might never stop pretending to like certain things, or to even pretend to be someone we are definitely not. have you ever pretended you were fine even though you weren’t? well been there done that… sometimes I really think I should live my childhood dreams and become an actress. getting paid for lying- sounds great.

if you look at movies, at actors, at screenplays… simply anything related to the film business- it’s all pretend (yes you’re on the right track). I love movies- everything about movies. and hopefully you’ve clocked on, that this blog will partly showcase my big love for films.

but it’s not only films that underline the fact that everything (big words here lesley.) is pretend. nope not just movies. it’s music as well. obviously music and movies can stem from your own point of view but sometimes- they’re not. you create stories, characters, situations, you evoke certain kinds of emotions, you make everything more dramatic, terrifying maybe even funnier. safe to say- and I can relate- a writer, an actor, a singer pretend for a living. this might sound a bit harsh but these people will relate to what I say.

choosing a name really wasn’t easy at all. I had a long list with names like “les is more” because I love a good old pun, but that did not have anything to say, I didn’t feel as if there was something lingering behind these words. until I thought about the fact that I was pretending to feel great when people asked me how I truly was- I really should be an actress. then I linked pretending to music and movies and it all just made sense. something clicked in me and I finally decided on a name.

pretending isn’t always bad, in our personal life it could mean to not make your mum feel bad when you didn’t like her cooking etc. and in the world of film and song it would simply mean to create new stories, to pretend to be someone else, to make something new- never seen before. as a writer I often write from personal experience as do others as well- that’s a given. but sometimes we writers create new worlds, new mindsets in order to maybe resonate with a certain audience, or we just simply don’t want to write about ourselves all the time. you see we aren’t that narcissistic- thankfully.

this is why this blog is now called art of pretending.

I will be talking about movies, dive into them and talk about them in detail. as well as that I will look into music and analyse what I feel will serve as a message. and you will get some of my own writing- simply cause I am ready to share it and this could be a great archive. I am a cultural and media studies student so whatever has to do with culture and media you might find here. I am rather relaxed since this should be a nice experience and I want to write about things that interest me, make me happy or even terrify me. it’s all in the books so I will just see where this blog takes me.

maybe we will all figure out how to not pretend to be someone else etc. at the wrong times in life. and hopefully I will get to bring the art of pretending to you through my little blog posts. movies and music are art, and something I couldn’t live without. this is very personal to me and maybe I can bring you nearer to the arts and help you get in touch with your own creative self.

all the best from me for now.

lesley. xxx